Training activity
The training activity, whose quality is certified by the University of Torino, is completely distinct from those provided for the first and second cycle of university education. The training is achieved in an attractive and stimulating institutional environment for innovative projects in which PhD students are involved. This contributes to the acquisition of autonomy and responsibility as the main pillars of the program.
The program includes:
- a series of mandatory and elective activities, aimed at providing robust training such as advanced research, advanced training activities and other seminar-type activities carried out in laboratories or research infrastructures, interdisciplinary training (as the result of the combination of different topics and research methods), multidisciplinary training (the teaching staff includes members from different scientific groups) and transdisciplinary training (such as linguistic and IT improvement, seminars and workshops on research methodologies, exploitation and dissemination of results, introductory lessons to intellectual property and open access, principles of ethics, gender equality and integrity). The elective activities - proposed by the PhD program or identified by the PhD student - are inherent to the research path;
- writing the doctoral thesis, which must contribute to deepening and/or innovating a relevant topic based on a scientifically rigorous methodology.
The program follows a pre-established temporal distribution of the planned activities. In the first two years, the PhD student is called to engage in training activities which, in the third year, culminate with the application of what has been learned in the thesis project.
The compulsory courses are conducted in English.
Training activities
- Academic writing and reviewers' comments
- Bibliometrix ("An R-tool for comprehensive science mapping")
- Core Management Theories
- Data analysis for management research
- Foundamentals of management
- How to do a good review
- How to do a PhD thesis
- How to do academic research
- How to write a scientific paper
- Introduction to research methods
- Literature review tools
- Panel data models in STATA
- Qualitative Methods
- Quantitative Methods I
- Quantitative Methods II
- Research methods basics
- Systematic literature review
- Teaching methodology
During the PhD program, each PhD student is assigned one supervisor and two supervisors, of whom at least one must have an academic profile.
The program contains some elective courses: the PhD student must choose one of them in agreement with the supervisors.
- Lean Business
- Financial markets and corporate finance
- Business Administration and accounting
- Paper presentation
Each Ph.D. student may organise their schedule of participation in seminars, workshops, conferences and research visiting, of national and international significance, and schools of research methodology.
The Ph.D. program, including the activities of the Department of Management "Valter Cantino" and the Doctoral School, provide students with a collection of seminars, workshops, lectures and research visiting for further training in research methodology and scientific specialisation. In addition, it solicits learners to identify external opportunities, including by sending out a newsletter containing a range of initiatives organised by other universities, organisations or research centres.
The electives stimulate transnational networking, language training, computer training, laboratory work and updating towards the latest fields of future research. The initiative also aims to disseminate results obtained through research and receive feedback from other scholars.
The topics of electives should be aligned with those of the research course. On the one hand, they allow in-depth study of the courses included in the curriculum. On the other hand, they refer to cross-cutting but interesting topics.
To support the attendance of electives, the Department has been mobilising for years now to find new funds available to cover the main expenses of registration to conferences, seminars and workshops related to the pathway and research methodologies.
Consult the information on the dedicated page "Final defence".
PhD students are encouraged to apply the methodological skills acquired from the first year in research projects and publications that contribute to the evolution of knowledge in one or more of the numerous branches of business disciplines. The training project focuses on the provision of knowledge related to both basic and applied research. The latter is also made possible by the increasing number of University-Industry partnerships orchestrated by the Department.
In addition, the PhD program features a set of other educational activities also thanks to the research training of UniTo Doctoral School.
The training is based on three fundamental pillars, provided during the three years: continuous training (through the attendance to courses and individual study), one-to-one work with two coaches with a high prestige CV (one is a Professor) and a visiting period.
The program includes periods of visiting abroad of at least 6 overall months abroad (even at non-consecutive moments) at universities, research institutions or other partners.
Several partnerships for co-tutorship with relevant foreign universities are already active and others are being defined.
A well-established operational and scientific structure is available for PhD students, with state-of-the-art spaces and multiple resources.
PhD students may carry out mentoring activities. In addition, supplementary teaching activities are also allowed for 40 hours, as well as third mission activities for 40 hours.